In the great digital era, we are witnessing many rapid scientific
and technological developments in human-centred, seamless computing
environments, interfaces, devices, and systems with applications ranging
from business and communication to entertainment and learning. These
developments are collectively best characterized as Active Media
Technology (AMT), a new area of intelligent information technology and
computer science that emphasizes the proactive, seamless roles of
interfaces and systems as well as new media in all aspects of digital
life. An AMT based system offers services to enable the rapid design,
implementation and support of customized solutions.
Brain and Health Informatics (BHI) aims to develop and disseminate understandings of novel intelligent computing formalisms, techniques, and technologies in the special application contexts of brain and health/well-being related studies and services. It is devoted to interdisciplinary studies on BHI, covering computational, logical, cognitive, neuro-psyiological, biological, physical, ecological, and social perspectives of BHI.