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            +=====       Web Intelligence Newsletter       =====+
            +=====         Issue 2, July 2003              =====+
            +=====   http://wi-consortium.org/letter.html  =====+

The Web Intelligence Newsletter is an official electronic publication of the
Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC). Permission to copy and/or re-distribute is
granted, and circulation is encouraged by recipients of the Newsletter,
provided that the entire document/file is kept intact.

|                                                                         |
|                       Contents of This Issue                            |
|                                                                         |
|  1. Abstracts of papers in the Special Issue on Web Intelligence,       |
|     IEEE Computer, November 2002                                        |
|     Guest editors: Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu and Yiyu Yao                  |
|                                                                         |
|  2. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal        |
|     Volume 1, Number 1, 2003, Table of Contents                         |
|     Volume 1, Number 2, 2003, Table of Contents                         |
|                                                                         |
|  3. Web Intelligence: Table of Contents                                 |
|     Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, and Yiyu Yao (Eds.), Springer, 2003         |
|                                                                         |
|  4. Special Issue on Web Intelligence,                                  |
|     Journal of Intelligent Information Systems                          |
|     Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 20, Number 1, 2003               |
|     Table of Contents                                                   |
|                                                                         |
|  5. The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence &    |
|     The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent     |
|     Technology (WI/IAT 2003)                                            |
|     October 13-17, 2003, Halifax, Canada                                |
|     List of Accepted Papers                                             |
|                                                                         |
|  6. WIC Structure and Contact Information                               |
|                                                                         |

1.  Abstracts of papers in the Special Issue on Web Intelligence,     
    IEEE Computer, November 2002, Vol. 35, No. 11
    Guest editors: Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu and Yiyu Yao

In Search of the Wisdom Web  
   Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, Yiyu Yao 

Web intelligence offers a new direction for scientific research and 
development, pushing technology toward manipulating the meaning of 
data and creating a distributed intelligence that can actually get 
things done.  WI explores the fundamental and practical impact that 
artificial intelligence and advanced information technology will 
have on the next generation of Web-empowered systems, services, and 

The Web significantly affects both academic research and everyday life, 
revolutionizing how we gather, store, process, present, share, and use 
information. It offers opportunities and challenges in many areas, 
including business, commerce, finance, and research and development.

The next-generation Web will go beyond improved information search 
and knowledge queries and will help people achieve better ways of 
living, working, playing, and learning. To fulfill its potential, 
the intelligent Web's design and development must incorporate knowledge 
from existing disciplines, such as artificial intelligence and 
information technology, in a totally new domain.

The Web and Social Networks  
Ravi Kumar, Prabhakar Raghavan, Sridhar Rajagopalan, Andrew Tomkins 

The sheer volume of Web data, together with its low signal-to-noise 
ratio, make it difficult for text-based search engines to locate 
high-quality pages. Analyzing the links between Web sites has 
dramatically improved the Web search experience and spawned research 
into the Web's link structure.  This research includes graph-theoretic 
studies of connectivity, which have shown the Web to have strong 
similarities with social networks.

Self-similarity is pervasive in social networks. While researchers have 
observed Web self-similarity in other contexts, finding a fractal 
structure in a graph-theoretic setting adds further evidence to the 
Web's small-world social nature. Thus, researchers seek to explain and 
exploit the human behavior implicit in the Web's evolving structure.

How can we combine the power of Web networks with networks resulting 
from other human activity?  Accomplishing this goal represents knowledge 
management's key challenge and opportunity.

Social Intelligence Design for the Web  
  Toyoaki Nishida 

Web intelligence reflects the view that eventually we will build a totally 
new kind of collective intelligence on the Web computing infrastructure. 
To reach this goal we must solve several major problems. For example, 
embedding Web computing into our everyday lives and society poses a more 
difficult problem than engineers might think. Because new technologies 
often consume financial resources without providing a comparable benefit, 
we must pay close attention to the social aspects of intelligence and how 
Web computing can augment knowledge processes, an attitude that underlies 
social intelligence design.

Computer-supported collaborative work takes a similar approach, focusing 
on well-structured, goal-oriented groups.  Social intelligence design, on 
the other hand, highlights collective knowledge processes in informal, 
loosely coupled groups.  It thus focuses not only on technological 
development for Web intelligence but also on the design and analysis 
of a social framework for embedding Web intelligence into everyday life.

Q: A Scenario Description Language for Interactive Agents  
   Toru Ishida 

Agent internal mechanisms form the basis for many of the languages 
proposed for describing agent behavior and interagent protocols. 
For the Web, however, we should also consider the needs of application 
designers such as sales managers, travel agents, and school teachers.

To this end, the author is developing Q, a language for describing 
interaction scenarios between agents and users based on agent external 
roles. Q also provides an interface between computing professionals 
and scenario writers.  Rather than depending on agent internal mechanisms, 
Q seeks to describe how scenario writers should request that agents behave. 
Scenarios help establish a bridge between the computing professionals 
who design agents and the scenario writers who design applications. 
Thus, we can expect an effective dialog to emerge from the interplay 
between the two different perspectives during the process of formalizing 
interaction patterns.

Toward Behavioral Intelligence in the Semantic Web  
   Joanna Bryson, David Martin, Sheila McIlraith, Lynn Stein 

Realizing the Web's full potential will require the development and 
support of agents that function as schedulers, planners, and searchers 
who, with minimal direction, can serve as an omnipresent staff of 
advisers, secretaries, brokers, and research assistants.  Electronic 
commerce has brought this capability tantalizingly near.  Organizations 
and individuals have connected an enormous variety of products and 
services to the Internet, making them accessible to other programs 
through simple communication protocols.

Now the AI community must determine how it can build intelligent agents 
to exploit these services.  One strategy would change the Web itself, 
making it accessible to existing AI modeling and reasoning techniques. 
In this semantic Web, service and content providers would mark pages 
in accordance with standardized conventions designed to reduce ambiguity 
and make automated reasoning easier.

Ontology-Based Knowledge Management  
   Dieter Fensel 

The Web's very popularity is making it more difficult to find, present, 
and maintain the data that users with a wide range of tasks and computer 
skills need.  Existing document management systems use keyword matching 
as a search method, combined with information retrieval rather than query 
answering.  In addition, these systems offer limited information-sharing 
facilities, and they don't support different views on documents or 
information maintenance.

To address these weaknesses, a European consortium formed the 
On-to-Knowledge Project to build an ontology-based tool suite that 
efficiently processes the many heterogeneous, distributed, and 
semistructured documents typically found in intra-nets and on the Web. 
The consortium's approach integrates semantic Web search technology, 
document exchange via transformation operators,automated information 
extraction, and systematic support for information maintenance and 
user-specific views. On-to-Knowledge's tools exploit the power of 
ontologies to provide automated support for acquiring, maintaining, 
and accessing weakly structured information sources.

Integrated Approach to Web Ontology Learning and Engineering  
   Michele Missikof, Roberto Navigli, Paola Velardi 

Developing the semantic Web-seeking to improve the semantic awareness 
of computers connected via the Internet-requires a systematic, 
computer-oriented world representation.  Researchers often refer to 
such a model as an ontology.

Despite the work done on them in recent years, ontologies have yet to 
be widely applied and used. Research has devoted only limited attention 
to such practical issues as techniques and tools aimed at an ontology's 
actual construction and content.

A software environment, centered around the OntoLearn tool, can build and 
assess a domain ontology for intelligent information integration within 
a virtual user community.  OntoLearn has already been tested in two 
European projects, where it functioned as the basis for a semantic 
interoperability platform used by small and medium-sized tourism 
enterprises.  Further, developers can easily adapt OntoLearn to work 
with other general-purpose ontologies.

Data Mining for Web Intelligence  
   Jiawei Han, Kevin Chang 

Searching, comprehending, and using the semistructured HTML, XML, and 
database-service-engine information stored on the Web poses a significant 
challenge: This data is more sophisticated and dynamic than the 
information commercial database systems store. To supplement keywordbased 
indexing, researchers have applied data mining to Webpage ranking. In 
this context, data mining helps Web search engines find high-quality 
Web pages and enhances Web click stream analysis. For the Web to reach 
its full potential, however, we must improve its services, make it more 
comprehensible, and increase its usability. As researchers continue to 
develop data mining techniques, the authors believe this technology will 
play an increasingly important role in meeting the challenges of developing 
the intelligent Web.

Ultimately, data mining for Web intelligence will make the Web a richer, 
friendlier, and more intelligent resource that we can all share and explore.

>From Computational Intelligence to Web Intelligence  
   Nick Cercone, Lijun Hou, Vlado Keselj, Aijun An, 
   Kanlaya Naruedomkul, Xiaohua Hu 

Systems that can communicate naturally and learn from interactions will 
power Web intelligence's longterm success. The large number of problems 
requiring Webspecific solutions demand a sustained and complementary 
effort to advance fundamental machine learning research and incorporate 
a learning component into every Internet interaction.  Traditional forms 
of machine translation either translate poorly, require resources that 
grow exponentially with the number of languages translated, or simplify 
language excessively. Recent success in statistical, nonlinguistic, and 
hybrid machine translation suggests that systems based on these 
technologies can achieve better results with a large annotated language 
corpus.  Adapting existing computational intelligence solutions, when 
appropriate for Web intelligence applications, must incorporate a robust 
notion of learning that will scale to the Web, adapt to individual user 
requirements, and personalize interfaces.  

Using Knowledge Anchors to Reduce Cognitive Overheads 
   Stephen Ransom, Xindong Wu 

2. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal 
   Publisher: IOS Press     ISSN 1570-1263

   Volume 1, Number 1, 2003, Table of Contents

   Jiming Liu and Ning Zhong 
   Editors-in-Chief's Introduction: 
   A Journal Pivotal to the Future of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems
   L. Penserini, L. Liu, J. Mylopoulos, M. Panti and L. Spalazzi
   Cooperation strategies for agent-based P2P systems                     
   F. Gandon
   Agents handling annotation distribution in a corporate semantic Web   
   C. Bourjot, V. Chevrier and V. Thomas
   A new swarm mechanism based on social spiders colonies: 
   From web weaving to region detection                                 
   S. Marsh, A.A. Ghorbani and V.C. Bhavsar
   The ACORN multi-agent system                                          
   WIC Introduction                                                      
   WIC Structure                                                         

   Volume 1, Number 2, 2003, Table of Contents

   Antonio Congiusta, Andrea Pugliese, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio
   Designing Grid Services for Distributed Knowledge Discovery
   PInar Yolum and Munindar P. Singh
   Dynamic Communities in Referral Networks
   Yiming Ye, Prabir Nandi, Jun-Jang Jeng, and Santhosh Kumaran
   Smart Distance Principle for Sense and Respond Enterprise Systems
   Jordi Delgado, Josep M. Pujol, and Ramon Sanguesa
   Emergence of Coordination in Scale-Free Networks
   Jose M. Vidal  
   A Method for Solving Distributed Service Allocation Problems

3. Web Intelligence: Table of Contents
   Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, and Yiyu Yao (Eds.), Springer, 2003
   ISBN 3-540-44384-3

Web Intelligence is a new direction for scientific research and 
development that explores the fundamental roles as well as practical 
impacts of artificial intelligence and advanced information technology 
for the next generation of Web-empowered systems, services, and 
environments.  Web Intelligence is regarded as the key research 
field for the development of the Wisdom Web (including the Semantic Web).

As the first book devoted to Web Intelligence, this coherently written 
multi-author monograph provides a thorough introduction and a systematic 
overview of this new field. It presents both the current state of research 
and development as well as application aspects. The book will be a valuable 
and lasting source of reference for researchers and developers interested 
in Web Intelligence. Students and developers will additionally appreciate 
the numerous illustrations and examples.

Table of Contents:

1. Web Intelligence (WI): A New Paradigm for Developing the Wisdom Web
   and Social Network Intelligence
   Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, and Y.Y. Yao 

2. Agent-Based Characterization of Web Regularities
   Jiming Liu, Shiwu Zhang, and Yiming Ye 

3. Agent-Based Composite Services in DAML-S:
   The Behavior-Oriented Design of an Intelligent Semantic Web
   Joanna J. Bryson, David Martin, Sheila A. McIlraith 
   Lynn Andrea Stein 

4. Designing Scenarios for Social Agents
   Toru Ishida and Hideyuki Nakanishi 

5. Using Agents Technology to Improve the Quality of Web-Based Education 
   W. Lewis Johnson

6. Discovering Business Intelligence Information By Comparing Company 
   Web Sites
   Bing Liu, Yiming Ma, and Philip Yu 

7. Discovery of Indirect Associations from Web Usage Data
   Pang-Ning Tan and Vipin Kumar

8. Knowledge-Based Wrapper Induction for Intelligent Web Information 
   Jaeyoung Yang and Joongmin Choi

9. Web Log Mining 
   Zhiyong Lu, Yiyu Yao and Ning Zhong 

10. Personalized and Focused Web Spiders
    Michael Chau and Hsinchun Chen 

11. Exploiting the Web as Parallel Corpora for Cross-Language 
    Information Retrieval
    Jian-Yun Nie and Jiang Chen 

12. Knowledge Representation, Sharing and Retrieval on the Web
    Philippe Martin 

13. On-To-Knowledge: Semantic Web Enabled Knowledge Management
    Y. Sure, H. Akkermans, J. Broekstra, J. Davies 
    Y. Ding, A. Duke, R. Engels, D. Fensel, I. Horrocks,
    V. Iosif, A. Kampman, A. Kiryakov, M. Klein,
    Th. Lau, D. Ognyanov, U. Reimer, K. Simov, 
    R. Studer, J. van der Meer, and F. van Harmelen 

14. Ontology Learning Part One: On Discovering Taxonomic Relations 
    from the Web 
    Alexander Maedche, Vikto Pekar, and Steffen Staab 

15. Algorithmic Aspects of Web Intelligent Systems
    Dimitrios Kalles, Athanasios Papagelis, Christos Zaroliagis 

16. Web Document Prefetching in Internet
    Xin Chen, and Xiaodong Zhang 

17. Social Networks: From the Web to Knowledge Management
    Ravi Kumar, Prabhakar Raghavan, Sridhar Rajagopalan 
    and Andrew Tomkins 

18. A Ranking Algorithm Based on Graph Topology to Generate Reputation 
    or Relevance
    Josep M. Pujol, Ramon Sanguesa, and Jordi Delgado

19. Communityware that Facilitates Knowledge Interactions 
    Yasuyuki Sumi and Kenji Mase 

20. Social Intelligence Design for Web Intelligence
    Toyoaki Nishida 

4. Special Issue on Web Intelligence,
   Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 
   Kluwer Academic Publisher, Volume 20, Number 1, 2003
   Table of Contents

The Wisdom Web: New Challenges for Web Intelligence (WI) 
Jiming Liu, Ning Zhong, Yiyu Yao, Zbigniew W. Ras  
A Data Cube Model for Prediction-Based Web Prefetching 
Qiang Yang, Joshua Zhexue Huang, Michael Ng  
Self-Organized Load Balancing in Proxy Servers: Algorithms and Performance 
Kwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu, Markus J. Kaiser  
Average-Clicks: A New Measure of Distance on the World Wide Web 
Yutaka Matsuo, Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka  
A Data Model for XML Databases 
Vilas Wuwongse, Kiyoshi Akama, Chutiporn Anutariya, Ekawit Nantajeewarawat  
View Inference for Heterogeneous XML Information Integration 
Euna Jeong, Chun-Nan Hsu  

5. The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence &
   The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent 
   Technology (WI/IAT 2003)
   October 13-17, 2003, Halifax, Canada
   List of Accepted Papers

WI 2003 and IAT 2003 have received an overwhelming number of paper 
submissions, more than 590 papers from over 48 countries and regions. 

The location for the IEEE/WIC joint conference is the City of 
Halifax, Canada. 

List of WI'03 Accepted Papers

Jonathan Carter, Ali Ghorbani, 
Value Centric Trust in Multiagent Systems 

Jinghao Miao, Daniel Berleant, 
Graph Structures in Paragraph-Linked Repositories

Maria Aneiros, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, 
Foundations of Unconstrained Collaborative Web Browsing with Awareness 

Soe-Tsyr Yuan, Kwei-Jay Lin, 
WISE - Building Simple Intelligence into Web Services 

Qing Li, Beyond Man Kim, 
Clustering Approach for Hybrid Recommender System 

Kwang Mong Sim, 
Towards Holistic Web-Based Information Retrieval: 
An Agent-Based Approach

Chen Chih-Ming, 
Incremental Personalized Web Pages Mining Utilizing 
Self-organizing HCMAC Neural Network 

Shou-de Lin, Craig Knoblock, 
Exploiting a Search Engine to Develop More Flexible Web Agents 

Jose Luis Arjona, Rafael Corchuelo, 
A Knowledge Extraction Process Specification for Today's Non-semantic Web 

Junzhong Ji, 
Online Recommendation Based On Customer Shopping Model in Electronic Commerce 

Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, 
Efficient Matchmaking and Directory Services 

Nuno Silva, Joao Rocha, 
Semantic Web Complex Ontology Mapping 

Javed Khan, Qingping Tap,
Exploiting Webspace Organization for Accelerating Web Prefetch 

Yuefeng Li, Ning Zhong, 
Ontology-Based Web Mining Model 

John King, Yuefeng Li, 
Web Based Collection Selection 

Rajiv Khosla 	
An Online Intelligent Multi-Agent e-Sales Recruitment System 

Khaled Negm, 
CARP Compliant Proxy Enforcer Frame Work 

Guenter Neumann, Feiyu Xu, 
Mining Answers in German Web Pages 

Li Bai, 
A QoS Network Routing Algorithm using Multiple Pheromone Tables 

Dario Bonino, Fulvio Corno, Giovanni Squillero, 
A Real-Time Evolutionary Algorithm for Web Prediction 

Alessandro Longheu, Michele Malgeri, Vincenza Carchiolo, 
Improving Web Usability by Categorizing Information 

Sander van Splunter, Marta Sabou, Frances Brazier, Debbie Richards, 
Configuring Web Services, using Structuring and Techniques from Agent 

Guido Boella, Leendert van der Torre, 
Local Policies for the Control of Virtual Communities 

Victor Robles, Pedro Larranaga, Ernestina Menasalvas, 
Maria de los Santos Perez, Vanessa Herves, 
Improvements of Naive Bayes Collaborative Filtering using Interval Estimation 

Roberto Basili, Michele Vindigni, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, 
Integrating Ontological and Linguistic Knowledge for Conceptual 
Information Extraction 

Koye Somefun, Han La Poutre, 
Bundling and Pricing for Information Brokerage: 
Customer Satisfaction as a Means to Profit Optimization 

Yutaka Matsuo, Hironori Tomobe, Koiti Hasida, Mitsuru Ishizuka, 
Mining Social Network of Conference Participants from the Web 

Frederico Freitas, Guilherme Bittencourt, 
An Ontology-based Cooperative Information Gathering Architecture 

Osvaldo Cairo, Juan Gabriel Olarte, Fernando Rivera-Illingworth, 
A Negotiation Strategy for Electronic Trade Using Intelligent Agents 

Canasai Kruengkrai, Chuleerat Jaruskulchai, 
Generic Text Summarization Using Local and Global Properties of Sentences 

Yonghe Niu, Tong Zheng, Jiyang Chen, Randy Goebel, 
WebKIV: Visualizing Structure and Navigation for Web Mining Applications 

Tiffany Tang, Pinata Winoto, Keith Chan, 
On the Temporal Analysis for Improved Hybrid Recommendations 

Nicolas Hernandez, Brigitte Grau, 
Topical and Rhetorical Term Extraction for Text Description 

Yong-Hong Tian, Tie-Jun Huang, Wen Gao, Jun Cheng, Ping-Bo Kang, 
Two-Phase Web Site Classification Based on Hidden Markov Tree Models 

Yazhong Feng, Yueting Zhuang, Yunhe Pan, 
Music Information Retrieval by Detecting Mood via Computational 
Media Aesthetics 

Wei-Hao Lin, Rong Jin, Alexander Hauptmann, 
Web Image Retrieval Re-Ranking with Relevance Model 

Ernesto Di Iorio, Michelangelo Diligenti, 
Marco Gori, Marco Maggini, Augusto Pucci, 
Detecting Near-Replicas on the Web by Content and Hyperlink Analysis 

Raymond Y.K. Lau, 
Context Sensitive Text Mining and Belief Revision for Adaptive 
Information Retrieval 

Michalis Vazirgiannis, 
MobiShare: Sharing Context-Dependent Data & Services from Mobile Sources 

Kwok-Wai Cheung, Yuxiang Sun, 
Mining Web Site's Clusters from Link Topology and Site Hierarchy 

Bruno Richard, Pierre Tchounikine, Pierre Jacoboni, 
An Architecture to Support Navigation and Propose Tips within 
a Dedicated Website 

Dorothee Rasseneur, Pierre Jacoboni, Pierre Tchounikine, 
Enhancing a Web-Based Distance-Learning Curriculum with Dedicated Tools 

Craig Linn, 
Semantic Reliability in Distributed Systems: Ontology Issues and
System Engineering 

Yi Chen, Peter Revesz, 
Querying Spatio-temporal XML Using DataFoX 

B.L. Narayan, C.A. Murthy, Sankar K. Pal, 
Topic Continuity for Web Document Categorization and Ranking 

Rosaria Conte, Mario Paolucci, 
Social Cognitive Factors of Unfair Ratings in Reputation Reporting Systems 

Khaled Sayed Ahmed, Naohiro Kaji, Kinji Mori, 
Service-Oriented Autonomous Decentralized Community Communication Technique 
for a Complex Adaptive Information System 

Xiaomeng Su, Mihhail Matskin, Jinghai Rao, 
Implementing Explanation Ontology for Agent System 

Masaki Narahashi, Einoshin Suzuki, 
Detecting Hostile Accesses through Incremental Subspace Clustering 

Shiren Ye, Tat-Seng Chua, Jeremy R. Kei, 
Querying and Clustering Web Pages about Persons and Organizations 

Zhining Liao, 
Determining Remote System Contention States in Query Processing Over Internet 

Vivien Wai-Man Kwan, Francis Chi-Moon Lau, Cho-Li Wang, 
Functionality Adaptation: A Context-Aware Service Code Adaptation for 
Pervasive Computing Environments 

Monica Bianchini, Marco Gori, Franco Scarselli, 
PageRank and Web Communities 

Yao Wang, Julita Vassileva, 
Bayesian Network-Based Trust Model 

Li Ding, Lina Zhou, Tim Finin, 
Trust Based Knowledge Outsourcing for Semantic Web Agents 

Nenad Stojanovic, 
Information-need Driven Query Refinement 

Mark Sinka, David Corne, 
Towards Modernised and Web-Specific Stoplists for Web Document Analysis 

Jianjiang Lu, Baowen Xu, Gangshi Huang, Yafei Zhang, 
Mining Typical User Profiles using Non-negative Matrix Factorization 

Kevin Curran, 
Web Intelligence in Information Retrieval 

Ben Soh, Aaron Joy, 
A Novel Web Security Evaluation Model for a One-Time-Password System 

Yu Wang, Lizhu Zhou, 
A Hybrid Method for Web Data Extraction 

Ye Yuan, Junyi Shen, Qinbao Song, 
An Automatic Video Classification Method Based on Data Mining 

Ruofei Zhang, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang, Jian Yao, 
A Unified Fuzzy Feature Indexing Scheme for Region Based Online Image Querying 

Tsunenori Ishioka, 
Evaluation of Criteria for the Information Retrieval 

Atsushi Kobayashi, Hideki Fujioka, 
Personalizing a Web Site for Cellular Phones 

Stelios Kouremenos, Spyros Vrettos, Andreas Stafylopatis, 
An Intelligent Agent-Mediated Web Trading Environment 

Jinghua Huang, 
A Comparative Framework for E-B Systems Development Methodologies 

Zhanmin Yang, Chundi Mu, 
The Formalization of Argumentation and Its Application in Network Computing 

Mofreh Hogo, Mioslav Snorek, 
Temporal Web Usage Mining

Celia Ghedini Ralha, Jose Carlos Ralha, 
Intelligent Mapping of Hyperspace 

Gai-Tai Huang, Hsiu-Hsen Yao, 
A System for Chinese Question Answering 

Xiaolin Li, 
Community-Based Modal and Access Control for Information Grid 

Sang Ok Koo, Soo Yeon Lim, Sang Jo Lee, 
Building an Ontology based on Hub Words for Information Retrieval 

Jiajin Huang, Chunnian liu, Chuangxin Ou, Y.Y. Yao, Ning Zhong, 
The Application of Attribute Reduction of Rough Set in 
Mining Market Value Function 

Haruhiko Takeuchi, Muneo Kitajima, Haruhiko Urokobara, 
Using Psychological Word Database in Web Search 

Ge He, Zhiwei Xu, 
Design and Implementation of a Web-based Computational Grid Portal 

Ying Dong, Mingshu Li, 
Towards Better Understandings Among Intelligent Trading Agents in 
a Real-time Distributed Financial Market 

Arnaud Revel, 
Web-Agents Inspired by Ethology: A Population of Ant-Like Agents to Help 
Finding User-Oriented Information 

Yuna Kim, Jong Kim, 
Web Prefetching Using Display-Based Prediction 

Maria Joao Viamonte, 
A Simulation-based Approach for Testing Market Strategies in
Electronic MarketPlaces 

Keiji Yanai, 
Web Image Mining: Integration of Web Image-Gathering and Image Classification 

Xiaoying Gao, Mengjie Zhang, Peter Andreae, 
Learning Information Extraction Patterns from Tabular Web Pages 
without Manual Labelling 

Seung-won Shin, Jong-su Jang, Ki-young Kim, 
LRU based Small Latency First Replacement (SLFR) Algorithm for the Proxy Cache 

Kamaljeet Sandhu, 
User Attributes in Web-based Electronic Service Adoption Model (E-SAM) 

Leiguang Gong, 
Constraining Model-Based Reasoning Using Contexts 

Juan Velasquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki, Richard Weber, 
Using the KDD Process to Support the Web Site Reconfiguration 

Tsong-Wuu Lin, Yun-Feng Chou, 
A Comparative Study of Zernike Moments 

Yongli Hu, 
A New Facial Feature Extraction Method Based On Linear Combination Model 

Choonho Kim, Juntae Kim, 
A Recommendation Algorithm Using Multi-Level Association Rules 

Waldir Pires, 
Testing Performance of SOAP Based Applications 

Lijuan Duan, Wen Gao, 
IISM: An Image Internal Semantic Model for Image Database Base on 
Relevance Feedback 

Rinat Khoussainov, Nicholas Kushmerick, 
Performance Management in Competitive Distributed Web Search 

Khalid Rouane, Claude Frasson, Marc Kaltenbach, 
A Framework for an Advanced Reading Support in the Digital Library Age 

Chih-Hung Wu, Ling-Sheng Tseng, 
Monitoring the Behaviors of Spamming with Knowledge-based Approaches 
on E-Mail Servers 

Norikatsu Nagino, Seiji Yamada, 
Future View: Web Navigation Based on Learning User's Browsing Patterns 

Toshihiko Yamakami, 
Towards Know-When Technology in the Mobile Information Space: 
Long-Term User Trace Log Analysis in the Mobile Internet 

Daniel Pacey, Euan Dempster, Howard Williams, Alison Cawsey, 
David Marwick, Lachlan MacKinnon, 
A Toolkit for Creating Personalised Presentations 

Maciej Ceglowski, Aaron Coburn, John Cuadrado, 
An Automated Management Tool for Unstructured Data 

Wesley Martins Teles, Li Weigang, Celia Ghedini Ralha, 
AntWeb - The Adaptive Web Server Based on the Ants' Behavior

Ernestina Menasalvas, Borja Pardo, Socorro Millon
Esther Hochsztain, Jose Maria Pena, 
Expected Value of User Sessions: Limitations of the Non-Semantic Approach 

Jarmo Korhonen, Lasse Pajunen, Juha Puustjarvi, 
Automatic Composition of Web Service Workflows Using a Semantic Agent 

J.T. Yao, Y.Y. Yao, 
Web-Based Information Retrieval Support Systems: 
Building Research Tools for Scientists in the New Information Age 

Mohamed Hammami, Youssef Chahir, Liming Chen, 
WebGuard : Web Based Adult Content Detection and Filtering System 

Javed Khan, Yihua He,
Embedded Data Indexing for Fast Stream Interception by Internet Applications

Chi-Hung Chi, Chen Ding, 
A Generalized Site Ranking Model for Web IR 

Cory Butz, Jidong Liu, 
A Query Processing Algorithm for Hierarchical Markov Networks 

Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Naoto Katsumi, 
Harutaka Yoneyama, Subhash Bhalla, Tomoko Izumita,
Supporting the Interaction between User and Web-based Multimedia Information 

Khaled Hammouda, Mohamed Kamel, 
Incremental Document Clustering Using Cluster Similarity Histograms 

Harry Mak, Irena Koprinska, Josiah Poon, 
Web-Based Movie Recommender Using Text Categorization 

Fengzhan Tian, Hao Huang, Yuchang Lu, 
Research on modeling with Dynamic Bayesian Networks 

Hadrien Bullot, S.K. Gupta, M.K. Mohania, 
A Data-Mining Approach for Optimizing Performance of an Incremental Crawler 

Sofiane Labidi, 
Increasing Matchmaking Semantics in Intelligent Commerce System 

Zhongmei Yao, Ben Choi, 
Bidirectional Hierarchical Clustering for Web Mining 

Hsin-Chang Yang, Chung-Hong Lee, 
A Text Mining Approach on Automatic Generation of Web Directories 
and Hierarchies 

Shusaku Tsumoto, 
Web-Based Medical Decision Support System for Neurological Diseases 

Jimmy Leblet, Mohamed Quafafou, 
A New Method for Query Generation Applied to Learning Text classifiers 

Andrew Arnt, Shlomo Zilberstein, 
Learning to Perform Moderation in Online Forums 

Carsten Felden, Peter Chamoni, 
Web Farming and Data Warehousing for Energy Tradefloors 

Wen-der Yu, Chien-chung Lai, 
WICE: A Web-Based Intelligent Cost Estimator for Real-time Decision Support 

Yingying Zhu, Dongru Zhou, 
Video Browsing and Retrieval Based on Multimodal Integration 

Kazuaki Maeda, 
Design of an Efficient XML Parser using a Traditional Compiler 
Construction Technique 

Liliana Ardissono, Anna Goy, Giovanna Petrone, Matthew Holland, 
Gerhard Friedrich, Christian Russ,
Intelligent User Interfaces for Web-based Configuration Systems 

Zonghuan Wu, Weiyi Meng, Vijay Raghavan, Hai He, Hua Qian, Rama K Vuyyuru, 
Towards Automatic Incorporation of Search engines into a Large-Scale 
Metasearch Engine 

Mengjie Yu, A. Taleb-Bendiab, Dennis Reilly, Wael Omar, 
Ubiquitous Grid Service Interoperation Protocol 

Chun-hung Li, Zhi Li Wu, JKY Ng, Karl Leung, 
Support Vector Classification for Ubiquitous Location Estimation 

Ikki Ohmukai, Hideaki Takeda, 
Social Scheduler: A Proposal of Collaborative Personal Task Management 

Henry Nyongesa, Shicheng Tian, Shr-Ting Huang, 
Adaptive Web Interface Design Using Fuzzy Logic 

Yuan Lin, Li Zhanhuai, 
The Concept of Attribute Dimension and Corresponding Operations 

Michael Callaghan, James Harkin, Chris Peters, Martin Mcginnity, Liam Magure, 
Adaptive Intelligent Environment for Remote Experimentation 

Jasminka Dobsa, Bojana Dalbelo Basic, 
Concept Decomposition by Fuzzy k-means Algorithm 

Natasa Milic-Frayling, Ralph Sommerer, Kerry Rodden, 
WebScout: Support for Revisitation of Web Pages within a Navigation Session 

Yan Zhuang, 
Negotiation Paradigms Based on Knowledge Bead's Methodology 

Hung-Yu Kao, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Syan Chen, 
Information Clustering on DOM with Multi-Granularity Centroid Converging 
for Web Information Hierarchy Mining 

James Clark, Irena Koprinska, Josiah Poon, 
A Neural Network Based Approach to Automated E-mail Classification 

S. Maleki-Dizaji, Z. Aliosman, H.O. Nyongesa, J. Siddiqi, 
Utilising a Multi-agent approach for Designing An Adaptive Search Engine 

Zerong Chen, Aditya Ghose, 
Web Agents for Requirements Consistency Management 

Ram Dayal Goyal, Dr. Joydeb Mukherjee, 
Decreasing Saw-Tooth Priority (DSTP) Based Product Data Classifier 

Toshio Matsuda, Kazushige Nakamura, Norihiko Sakamoto, 
An Efficient Internet Crawling and Filtering System for 
the Nationwide Tendering Information Retrieval 

Norbert Weissenberg, Rudiger Gartmann, 
Semantic Web Services for Olympia 2008

List of IAT'03 Accepted Papers

Alain Gaetan Anyouzoa, Theo Dhondt, Mamour Ba, Daniel Akoa, 
Dynamic Stochastic Capacity Pricing for Resource Allocation 

Chunsheng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Mei Wang, 
An Approach to Digitizing and Managing Well-Logging Parameter 
Graphs with Agent-Based Perspective 

Don Perugini, Dale Lambert, Leon Sterling, Adrian Pearce, 
A Distributed Agent Approach to Global Transportation Scheduling 

Masaya Mito, Satoshi Fujita, 
On Heuristics for Solving Winner Determination Problem in 
Combinatorial Auctions 

Lijun Shan, Hong Zhu, 
Modelling and Specifying Scenarios and Agent Behaviours 

Matthias Rehm, 
Living with Dynamic Concepts in Dynamic Environments: 
Intelligent Agents that Adapt Themselves 

Tomoki Hamagami, Hironori Hirata, 
Method of Crowd Simulation by Using Multiagent on Cellular Automata 

Dehu Qi, Ron Sun, 
Integrating Reinforcement Learning, Bidding and Genetic Algorithms 

David Buse, Jun Qiu Feng, Henry Wu, 
Mobile Agents for Data Analysis in Industrial Automation Systems 

Van Ho, Wayne Wobcke, Paul Compton, 
EMMA: An E-Mail Management Assistant 

Yuanshi Wang, Jiming Liu, 
Modeling Agent-Based Load Balancing with Time Delays 

Henk Stolk, Kevin Gates, Jim Hanan, 
Discovery of Emergent Natural Laws by Hierarchical Multi-Agent Systems 

Bo Liu, Hussein A.Abbass, Bob MaKay, 
Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimization 

Anthony Meehan, Michael Grimsley, 
Dynamic Inference of Perceptual Categories in Negotiating Agents 

Pasquale De Meo, Jameson Mbale, Giorgio Terracina, Domenico Ursino, 
An XML-Based Multi-Agent System for the User-Oriented Management of QoS 
in Telecommunications Networks 

Lars Kock Jensen, Bent Bruun Kristensen, Yves Demazeau, 
FLIP: A Platform to Integrate Embodied Agent Technology 

Markus Aleksy, Axel Korthaus, Martin Schader, 
CARLA - A CORBA-based Architecture for Lightweight Agents

Xiaoying Gao, Mengjie Zhang, 
Learning Knowledge Bases for Information Extraction from Multiple Text 
Based Web Sites 

Leelani Kumari Wickramasinghe, L. Damminda Alahakoon, 
Discovery and Sharing of Knowledge with Self Organized Agents 

Xin Li, Leen-Kiat Soh, 
The Use of Hybrid Negotiation in Resource Coordination among Agents 

Xiaoqin Zhang, Victor Lesser, Tom Wagner, 
Integrative Negotiation in Complex Organizational Agent Systems 

Tarek Helmy, Satoshi Amamiya, Tsunenori Mine, Makoto Amamiya, 
Kodama User Interface Agent as a New Approach of the Collaborative Agents 

Kendall Lister, Leon Sterling, 
Task as Context for Intelligent Agents 

Glenn Tesla Jayaputera, Seng Loke, Arkady Zaslavsky, 
Mission Impossible? Automatically Assembling Agents from High-Level
Task Descriptions 

James Wang, Ratan Guha, 
Proxy Ecology - Cooperative Proxies with Artificial Life 

Steve Goschnick, Leon Sterling, 
Enacting an Agent-based Digital Self in a 24x7 Web Services World 

Michal Pechoucek, Jiri Lazansky, Vladimir Marik, 
Inaccessibility in Multi-Agent Systems 

Raymond Y.K. Lau, Brant Essam, 
Belief Revision for Adaptive Negotiation Agents 

Boi Faltings, Santiago Macho-Gonzalez, 
Problem-Solving in Open Environments 

Stefano Lodi, Matthias Klusch, Gianluca Moro, 
The Role of Agents in Distributed Data Mining: Issues and Benefits 

Frederic Marc, Irene Degirmenciyan-Cartault, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, 
Multi-Agent Planning as a Coordination Model for Complex
Self-Organized Systems 

Cristina Urdiales, 
A Hybrid Architecture for Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments 

Giovanni Pilato, Salvatore Vitabile, Giorgio Vassallo, Vincenzo Conti, 
Filippo Sorbello, 
A Neural Multi-Agent Based System for Smart Html Pages Retrieval 

Maria Fasli, 
Social Interactions in Multi-agent Systems: A Formal Approach 

Roman van der Krogt, Mathijs de Weerdt, Cees Witteveen, 
A Resource-Based Framework for Planning and Replanning 

Xiaolong Jin, Jiming Liu, 
Efficiency of Emergent Constraint Satisfaction in Small-world and 
Random Agent Networks 

Mikkel Holm Sorensen, 
Assistive Ecologies - Bio-mimetic Design of Ambient Intelligence 

Guy Mineau, 
Representing and Enforcing Interaction Protocols in Multi-Agent Systems: 
An Approach Based on Conceptual Graphs

Pinata Winoto, 
Controlling Malevolent Behavior in Open Multi-Agent Systems by Means
of Deterrence Theory 

Quoc Bao Vo, 
A Task-Oriented Agent-Based Mechanism for Theorem Proving 

Kwang Mong Sim, Shiyu Wang, 
Designing Flexible Negotiation Agent with Relaxed Decision Rules 

Xiaodong Lu, Kinji Mori, 
Autonomous Information Services Integration and Allocation in 
Agent-Based Information Service System 

Fabien Gandon, 
Combining Reactive and Deliberative Agents for Complete Ecosystems 
in Infospheres 

Xiaoqin Zhang, Victor Lesser, Tom Wagner, 
A Two-Level Negotiation Framework for Complex Negotiations 

Martin Purvis, Mariusz Nowostawski, Marcos Oliveira, Stephen Cranefield, 
Multi-Agent Interaction Protocols for E-Business 

Joselito Chua, Peter Tischer, 
Strategies for Cooperative Search in Distributed Databases 

Guido Boella, Leendert van der Torre, 
Norm Governed Multiagent Systems: The Delegation of Control to
Autonomous Agents 

Ville Kononen, 
Asymmetric Multiagent Reinforcement Learning 

Wootipong Consue, 
Novel Vertical Mining On Diffsets Structure 

John Yen, Xiaocong Fan, Richard Volz, 
On Need-driven Proactive Information Exchanges in Agent Teams 

Stefania Bandini, Sara Manzoni, Giuseppe Vizzari, 
MMASS Approach to Localization Problems 

Alan Fedoruk, Ralph Deters, 
Improving the Fault-Tolerance of MAS with Dynamic Replicate Groups 

Juan Rodriguez-Aguilar, Andrea Giovannucci, 
Antonio Reyes-Moro, Francesc Noria, Jesus Cerquides,
Agent-Based Decision Support for Actual-World Procurement Scenarios 

Matthias Scheutz, Paul Schermerhorn, 
Many Is More, But Not Too Many: 
Dimensions of Cooperation of Agents with and without Predictive Capabilities 

Pinata Winoto, 
An Investigation of the Long-term Impact of Knowledge Sharing on 
Multi-Agent System 

Tiemei Irene Zhang, 
A Software Engineering Process for BDI Agent-Based Systems 

Jens Grossklags, Carsten Schmidt, 
Artificial Software Agents on Thin Double Auction Markets - 
A Human Trader Experiment 

Kun Yang, Xin Guo, Bo Yang, Dayou Liu, 
Rule-Driven Mobile Intelligent Agents for Configuration of IP Networks 

Haijun Zhang, Mingkai Dong, Yuncheng Jiang, Zhongzhi Shi, 
MAGE: A Multi-Agent Environment for Agent-Oriented Software
Engineering and Programming 

John France, Ali Ghorbani, 
A Multiagent System for Optimizing Urban Traffic 

Xiaohui Liang, Xukun Shen, Qinping Zhao, 
Collaboration Based on Hierachical Relationship 

Bertil Ekdahl, Lise Jensen, Mats Lilja, Stefan Nyman, Anders Wikstrom, 
A General Architecture for Autonomous Agents 

Jun Ye, Xiande Liu, Lu Han, 
Evolutionary Game Algorithm for Multiple Knapsack Problem 

Hiroyuki Une, Fei Qian, 
Network Load Balancing Algorithm using Ants Computing 

Fei Qian, Hironori Hirata, 
Q-Learning Automaton 

Vladimir Gorodetsky, Oleg Karsayev, Vladimir Samoilov, 
Multi-agent Technology for Distributed Data Mining and Distributed 

Wenpin Jiao, Minghui Zhou, Qiangxiang Wang, 
Formal Framework for Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems 

Seng Loke, Arkady Zaslavsky, 
Communicative Acts of Elvin-Enhanced Mobile Agents 

Qi Yan, XinJun Mao, Hong Zhu, LiJun Shan, ZhiChang Qi, 
Soft Gene, Role, Agent: MABS Learns from Sociology 

Ning Zhang, Hong Chen, Yu Wang, Shi-Jun Cheng, Ming-Feng Xiong, 
Odaies: Ontology-driven Adaptive Web Information Extraction System 

Wei Dai, Stuart Rubin, Changgui Chen, 
Supporting Knowledge Management Infrastructure: A Multi-Agent Approach 

Minqiang Li, 
Learning DNF Concepts by Constrained Clustering of Positive Instances 

Isabel Praca, 
A New Agent-Based Framework for the Simulation of Electricity Markets 

Alexandru Suna, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, 
CLAIM: A Computational Language for Autonomous, Intelligent and Mobile Agents 

Bing Shen, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang, Chunfa Yuan, 
Person Name Identification in Chinese Documents Using Finite State Automata 

Abdenour Bouzouane, 
Human-Agent Viewpoint Similarity based on Terminological Logic for 
Mixed-Initiative Planning 

Wei Zhang, Christian Diedrich, 
An Information Flow Based Agent Platform For Maintenance 

Mingkai Dong, Haijun Zhang, Zhongzhi Shi, 
Mental State Representation in MAGE 

Sherlock Au, 
Problem Solving with Attitude and the Theory of Reasoned Action 

Marius Silaghi, 
HOWTO: Asynchronous PFC-MRDAC, Optimization in Distributed Constraint Problems 

Sio Iong Ao, 
Hybrid Intelligent System for Pricing the Indices of Dual-Listing 
Stock Markets 

Hailing Wang, Ruwei Dai, 
Analysis and Design of HWME Using Holonic Multi-agent Systems 

Matej Sprogar, Matjaz Colnaric, 
Agent-Oriented Framework for Decision Tree Evolution 

Igor Kotenko, Alexey Alexeev, Evgeny Man'kov, 
Formal Framework for Modeling and Simulation of DDoS 
Attacks Based on Teamwork of Hackers-Agents 

Ruy Milidiu, Taciana Melcop, Frederico Liporace, Carlos Lucena, 
SIMPLE - A Multi-Agent System for Simultaneous and Related Auctions 

Abdelkader Gouaich, 
Interaction Conformity in Distributed and Disconnected Multi-Agents Systems 

Richard Au, Ming Yao, 
Privilege Negotiation Agents for Authorisation on World Wide Web 

Alexandre Pauchet, Nathalie Chaignaud, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, 
Modelling Planning and Interaction in the Framework of 
Human Cooperative Problem Solving 

Barbara Dunin-Keplicz, Rineke Verbrugge, 
Dynamics of Collective Attitudes During Teamwork 

Sobah Petersen, Jinghai Rao, Mihhail Matskin, 
Virtual Enterprise Formation with Agents ¨C An Approach to Implementation 

Abdelkader Gouaich, 
Distributed Ubiquitous Software Services 

Jean-Paul Jamont, Michel Occello, Andre Lagreze, 
An Adaptive Multiagent Infrastructure for Self-Organized Physical 
Embodied Systems: 
An Application to Wireless Communication Management

Massimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Antonio Chella, 
A Possible Approach to the Development of Robotic Multi-Agent Systems 

Minh Nguyen-Duc, Vu Duong, Jean-Pierre Briot, Alexis Drogoul, 
An Application of Multi-Agent Coordination Techniques in Air Traffic 

Noam Gordon, Israel Wagner, Alfred Bruckstein, 
Discrete Bee Dance Algorithms for Pattern Formation on a Grid 

Shahram Rahimi, Johan Bjursell, Dia Ali, Maria Cobb, 
Preliminary Performance Evaluation of an Agent-Based Geospatial Data 
Conflation System 

Shahram Rahimi, Ajay Narayanan, Meha Sabharwal, 
MPIAB: A Novel Agent Architecture for Parallel Processing 

Pinata Winoto, Tiffany Tang, 
Non-Refundable-Bid Auctions for Positions in a Queue: 
A Decision-Theoretic Analysis 

Toan Phung, Seng Loke, James Harland, 
Adding Flexibility Using Structured Goals: the Case of Itinerant Mobile Agents 

Shih-Yang Chiao, Costas Xydeas, 
Modeling the Behaviours of Players in Competitive Environments 

Neil Taurisson, Pierre Tchounikine, 
Introducing Software Agents to Support a Web-based Collective Activity 

Henryk Rybinski, Dominik Ryzko, 
Knowledge Sharing in Default Reasoning Based Multi-Agent Systems 

Hoong Chuin Lau, Wei Sian Lim, 
Multi-Agent Coalition via Autonomous Price Negotiation in 
a Real-Time Web Environment 

Mehmet Kaya, Reda Alhajj, 
Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Using OLAP-Based Association Rules Mining 

Ahlem Ben Hassine, Takayuki Ito, Ho Tu Bao, 
A New Distributed Approach to Solve Meeting Scheduling Problems 

Philippe Lamarre, Sylvie Cazalens, 
A Procedure for Mediating between Service Requesters and Providers 

Edward Curry, Desmond Chambers, Gerard Lyons, 
A JMS Message Transport Protocol for the JADE Platform 

Huaglory Tianfield, 
Multi-Agent Autonomic Architecture and Its Application in E- Medicine 

Sam Maes, 
Identifiability of Causal Effects in a Multi-Agent Causal Model 

Marius Silaghi, 
Solving a Distributed CSP with Cryptographic Multi-Party Computations, 
without Revealing Constraints and without Involving Trusted Servers 

Claude Frasson, Marc Kaltenbach, 
Web Course Self-Adaptation 

Nicolas Guionnet, Guy Gouarderes, 
Enlarging the Applicability of a Failure Cause Eradication Based Methodology 

Hans-Joachim Mosler, 
Modelling Social Behavior with a Socio Psychological Simulation Approach 

Francisco Maturana, 
Cost-Based Dynamic Reconfiguration System for Intelligent Agent Negotiation 

6. WIC Structure and Contact Information

WIC Co-Director and Co-Chairs:

	Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
	Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK SAR

WIC Newsletter:

	Editor:        Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
	Assistant: Cory J. Butz, University of Regina, Canada

Advisory Board:

        Edward A. Feigenbaum, Stanford University, USA
               Setsuo Ohsuga, Waseda University, Japan
                Benjamin Wah, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
                   Philip Yu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
                  L.A. Zadeh, UC Berkeley, USA

Technical Committee:

                Nick Cercone, University of Waterloo, Canada
               Dieter Fensel, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
               Georg Gottlob, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
                 Lakhmi Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
            W. Lewis Johnson, University of Southern California, USA
               Jianchang Mao, Verity Inc., USA
              Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University, Japan
             Toyoaki Nishida, The University of Tokyo, Japan
                  Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA
                    Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada

WIC Newsletter homepage:  http://wi-consortium.org/letter.html
 To become a WIC member:  http://wi-consortium.org/member/index.html

Contact Information:

Professor Ning Zhong (Co-Director and Co-Chair, WIC)
Department of Information Engineering
Maebashi Institute of Technology
460-1 Kamisadori-Cho, Maebashi-City 371-0816

Telephone & Fax: +81-27-265-7366
E-mail: zhong@maebashi-it.ac.jp

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