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BI 2009 Posters

  1. The Heuristics in Category-based Induction: An fMRI Study, Peipeng Liang
  2. The Neural Mechanism of Data-driven Scientific Discovery, Peipeng Liang
  3. The Role of Dorsormedial Prefrontal Cortex in Human Sentential Inductive Reasoning: Combined ERP and fMRI Studies, Peipeng Liang
  4. The relations of the prefrontal cortices and caudate in number series completion tasks, Peipeng Liang
  5. Neural Substrates of Similarity-based Induction: An fMRI Study, Yang Mei
  6. The Role of the DLPFC in Inductive Reasoning of MCI Patients and Normal Agings: An fMRI Study, Yanhui Yang
  7. Figural Effects in Syllogistic Reasoning with Evaluation Paradigm: An Eye- Movement Study, Xiuqin Jia
  8. Common and Distinct Neural Substrates of Forward-chaining and Backward- chaining Syllogsitic Reasoning, Xiuqin Jia
  9. Advantage Effect Switches in Different Levels during Human Information Retrieval, Haiyan Zhou
  10. Heuristic Search in Sudoku Problem Solving: An fMRI Study, Lijuan Wang
  11. Study on the Problem Solving of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Patients with fMRI, Guangwei Jin
  12. Using SVM to Predict High-level Cognition from fMRI Data A Case Study of 4*4 Sudoku Solving, Jie Xiang
  13. Simulating Human Heuristic Problem Solving: A Study by Combining ACT-R and fMRI Brain Image, Rifeng Wang
  14. EEG/ERP Meets ACT-R: A Case Study for Investigating Human Computation Mechanism, Shinichi Motomura, Yuya Ojima
  15. Agent-Enriched Data Mining: A Case Study in Brain Informatics, Shinichi Motomura
  16. Data-Brain Modeling for Systematic Brain Informatics, Jianhui Chen
  17. The Layout of Web Pages: A Study on the Relation between Information Forms and Locations Using Eye-Tracking, Yangyang Song, Mi Li
  18. The Effect of Information Forms and Floating Advertisements for Visual Search on Web Pages: An Eye-Tracking Study, Jingjing Yin, Mi Li
  19. Exploring Visual Search and Browsing Strategies on Web Pages Using Eye-tracking, Mi Li
  20. Neural Differences of Text and Figure during Representation and Processing on Human Brain: An fMRI Study, Mi Li
  21. Neuronal substrates of nonword priming effect: an fMRI study, Chunlin Li, Xiujun Li, and Jinglong Wu
  22. A Model of Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Combining Rule and Statistical Method, Yangsen Zhang and Gaijuan Huang
  23. Towards Cyber Physical Interaction in Cooperative Learning Process, Xiaokun Zhang, Pete Holt, Jon Dron, and Kinshuk Kinshuk

AMT 2009 Posters

  1. Novel Applications of Email, Wenbin Li
  2. Agile: A Question-Answering System Based on OWL Knowledge, MingXia Gao
  3. A Model for Personalized Web-Scale Case Base Maintenance, Jingyu Sun
  4. A Unified Framework of Targeted Marketing Using Customer Preference, JiaJin Huang, Yu Xin
  5. Peculiarity Analysis for Classifications, Jian Yang
  6. A Dynamic Trust Network for Autonomy-oriented Partner Finding, HongJun Qiu
  7. Network Immunization with Autonomy-Oriented Entities, Chao Gao
  8. The Quest for Parallel Reasoning on the Semantic Web, Peiqiang Li, Yi Zeng
  9. Unifying Web-scale Search and Reasoning from the Viewpoint of Granularity, Yi Zeng, Yan Wang
  10. Live Graphical Computing Logic, Virtual Trees, and Visualization, Cyrus F Nourani
  11. The Design and Development of Medical Information Management System (MIMS) by Using Multi-agent, Rungrote Pongkitwitoon, Wanida Kanarkard, Kulthida Tuamsuk, and Yothi Tongpenyai
  12. Design of an Online Product Customization System Using an Agent-Based Virtual Enterprise and Multi Agent, Seyed Ali Bahrainian
  13. A Study on Intelligent Agents and Their Possible Roles in Electronic Customer Relationship Management(e-CRM) Systems, Seyed Ali Bahrainian and Zahra Sadat Bahrainian
  14. Perception of Website Credibility: How to deal with Trust and Utility in Online Business, Fahim Akhter
  15. The Impact of Usability Testing on User Satisfaction of M-Commerce Applications: Special Case of UAE Market, Emad Bataineh
  16. Interactive Conference Mining for On-line Conferencing Ba, Bin Luo and Xijin Tang
  17. Embedded Virtual Instrument Agents for Adaptive Learning, Xiaokun Zhang, Osama Ahmad, and Peter Holt

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