
Panel Schedule Information

Providing customised services using users’ biometric data (including emotions, experiences, memories, and attitudes), security and privacy issues involved in the BCIs need more attention. Moreover, reviewing the possible privacy and security threats involved in BCIs with possible security measures to mitigate the privacy threats, and therefore focusing on developing security mechanisms to protect and secure the BCI can open many opportunities in research in BCI security and privacy concepts. Therefore, we have planned to set up a panel for more discussion regarding the mentioned issues.

  • Does using BCI threaten user privacy in the fields in which BCI is involved, such as education, games and entertainment, marketing, and healthcare (prevention, detection, diagnosis, rehabilitation restoration), and brain-biometric?
  • How to combine Cryptography with EEG to have secure communication?
  • Your opinion about the feasibility to authenticate users by Using a BCI?
  • Do users’ emotions, stress, and diet (stability of brain biometric), or age in a long time (permanence of Brian biometric) influence Cryptographic Key Generation Systems using EEG signals?
  • What are the capable defense techniques against BCI’s vulnerabilities?
  • How to calculate cyber security risks in BCI? How about the risk management of BCI vulnerabilities? What is included in a cybersecurity risk assessment?
  • What are the “Biometric Specifications for Personal Identity Verification” standards for brain biometric?
  • What are the ethical considerations for BCI wearable technology?

Finding an answer(s) to these questions opens many opportunities for research in BCI security and privacy concepts. Moreover, BCI security risk management requires a more in-depth analysis of the security risk caused by BCI. In particular, this would be assisted by stronger estimates of the baseline likelihood of risk. Due to the vitality awareness of security involved in BCI, various prominent experts from Germany, and UK will discuss the BCI security and privacy issues and solution in our panel discussion on July 15-17, 2022.

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 616 6409 2533; Password: BCISec2022

Panel I Organizers

  • Farnaz Mohammadi
  • E-mail:

    Short Bio: Farnaz Mohammadi studied Computer Engineering- Software and received her master’s degree in Computer Science- Intelligent Systems from the Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic). She has over ten years of experience in Security and Access Control systems development, maintenance, and deployment while she worked as a technical team member and project manager. She was a Junior Researcher at System Security Laboratory (SSL), Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece, from 2017 to 2020. She is currently a Ph.D Student /Research Assistant at the Passau Institute of Digital Security (PIDS), at the University of Passau under the supervision of Prof. J. Posegga. Her research interests include system and network security, and she focuses on Brain-Computer-Interface security and privacy.

  • Prof. Joachim Posegga
  • E-mail:

    Short Bio: Joachim Posegga holds the chair of IT security since 2008. Before coming to Passau, he was appointed Professor at the University of Hamburg in 2003 and founded the Security in Distributed Systems (SVS) Group at the University of Hamburg. Prior to academia, he was leading the Security Research Program at SAP Corporate Research, from 1995-2000 he worked on security at Deutsche Telekom Research in Darmstadt. His research addresses Web Security, Security protocols, and architectures, the current application focus is the Internet of Things. He is the author of four books in the area of computer science, and numerous scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings.

  • Dr. Mona Ghassemian
  • E-mail:

    Short Bio: Mona Ghassemian has over 20 years of experience in the wireless and telecom research in industry and academia. She currently works at Huawei Advanced wireless Technology Lab as 6G principal expert on industry vertical, working on strategic R&D roadmap of key technologies (particularly in vertical industries) relevant for next generation mobile communication system design. Prior to her current role, in her senior manager role at InterDigital Inc, she led a research team on the next generation networking. She worked as a principal research scientist at British Telecom (BT) Research and Technology with a focus on future networks and security. Prior to her industry roles, she worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer at KCL, Greenwich and SBU supervising over a 100 postdocs, PhD and MSc researchers. She has published over 70 papers, 13 patents, 2 book chapters and several contributions to 3GPP, IEEE and IETF standard organisations. She is a member of IEEE SA 1918.1 (Tactile Internet) since 2016, and is currently the IEEE UK & Ireland section past-chair, the IEEE Region 8 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the MGA nomination committees’ member.

Panel I Invited Speakers

  • Prof. Dr. Paul Lukowicz
  • Wearable Technology and AI


    Short Bio: Prof. Dr. Paul Lukowicz is both Scientific Director at DFKI, where he heads the Embedded Intelligence department and Full Professor of AI at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern since 2012. His research focuses on context aware ubiquitous and wearable systems including sensing, pattern recognition, system architectures, models of large-scale self-organized systems, and applications. Paul Lukowicz coordinates the HumanE AI project, acts as editor for various scientific publications, and has served on the TPCs (including TPC Chair) of all the main conferences in his research area.

  • Prof. Ricardo Chavarriaga
  • Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology and AI


    Short Bio: Passionate of responsible development and social implications of technology, he has more than 12 years of experience in brain-machine interaction, computational neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. His work is focused on the conception of neurotechnologies that allow symbiotic interaction between human and intelligent machines. This is based on better understanding of neural correlates of cognition, development of artificial intelligent devices capable to adapt to their user’s goals, preferences and capabilities, and a user-centered design approach. He is highly interested on the translation of emerging technologies onto applications at service of society, I am the head of the Switzerland Office of the CLAIRE Initiative for excellence in AI. He is also chair the IEEE group on standards for brain-machine interfacing and executive-in-residence at the Geneva Cente for Security Policy. He is chair of the publications committee of the IEEE Brain Initiative and member of the MIT Technology Review Global Panel. He also has a degree on Electronics Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali, Colombia and a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) In Switzerland.

  • Prof. Dr. med. Surjo R. Soekadar
  • Neuroscience


    Short Bio: He studied medicine in Mainz, Heidelberg and Baltimore and graduated under Herta Flor, ZI Mannheim, with a doctorate in clinical neuropsychology. From 2005 to 2018, he worked as a physician at the University of Tübingen, where he became head of the Applied Neurotechnology Lab in 2011. In 2018, he was appointed Germany's first Professor of Clinical Neurotechnology at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The professorship is supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. He has been involved for many years in the field of development cooperation dealing with establishing youth health centers in Africa, South America and Asia. In 2001 he co-founded the Global Contract Foundation, Hamburg, and served as board member of various non-governmental organizations, e.g. "Options For Life International" and the Global Contract Foundation. In 2004 he became the youngest creative member of the Club of Budapest after having drafted the first outline of the Global Marshall Plan Initiative. Scientifically, he examines the adaptation of the brain to changing environmental conditions (neural plasticity). He is particularly working on the development and testing of clinical brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) and their combination with non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS). In 2016, he and his team enabled quadriplegic patients with complete finger paralysis to eat and drink independently using a non-invasive brain/neural hand exoskeleton.
    As part of a research fellowship at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), he and his colleagues were the first to record neuromagnetic brain activity in the millisecond range while the brain of a human subject underwent transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). It is expected that this new method will greatly contribute to a better understanding of electrical brain stimulation's clinical success and to solving various fundamental research questions in neuroscience. In 2012 he received the International Annual BCI Research Award (together with Niels Birbaumer).

  • Dr. Max Smith-Creasey
  • Security and Biometrics


    Short Bio: Max Smith-Creasey is an award-winning cyber security research scientist at BT plc. His primary research interests involve future authentication technologies and biometrics. The research he has led has resulted in publications in international conferences, articles in leading journals, and patent filings. This research has received numerous awards and recognition. Before entering research, he worked as a software engineer. Currently, he is also an Expert Fellow at SPRITE+ and the Vice-Chair of the IEEE UK & Ireland Cyber Security Group. He has studied at King’s College, University of London, and City, University of London. He resides in Suffolk in the UK. More information can be found at

This panel aims to discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to provide personalised support to students with learning disabilities and Autism. The recent European Commission Erasmus+ funded projects “An AI Tool to Predict Engagement and ‘Meltdown’ Events in Students with Autism (AI-TOP)” seeks to understand how AI can be used to predict when “Rumble” moments might occur for students with Autism so that evidence-based calming interventions can be introduced in a timely fashion to decrease the frequency and intensity of the meltdown events. Another project funded under the same programme titled “Embracing diversity in Asia through the adoption of Inclusive Open Practices (DIVERSASIA)” aims to make accessible Open Education Resources and Massive Open Online Courses and their personalisation using AI that will enable better provision of open distance learning for those with disabilities. The panel comprises experts from special education, and Autism research teamed together with experts in AI. We predict a lively discussion which we intend to analyse in greater depth after the workshop and provide a blueprint for the future use of AI in special education.

Indicative panel questions:

  • Use of AI in Supporting Students with Autism: Challenges and Opportunities
  • What do you see as the ethical issues of using AI in the education of students with Autism?
  • Do you foresee any security issues?
  • How could AI be successfully used in the classroom (e.g., personalised pathway, challenging behaviour)?

Panel II Organizers

  • Prof. David Brown, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Short Bio: Professor Brown is Director of the Computing and Informatics Research Centre and Research Group Leader for the Interactive Systems Research Group. His areas of research interest include Accessibility - for students with learning, physical and sensory impairments (DiversAsia); Virtual Reality - in the rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities; Multimodal Affect Recognition Learning Systems - to develop personalised learning pathways (H2020 MaTHiSiS, Pathway and AI-TOP); Social Robotics - for use in the education of students with learning disabilities and autism (EDUROB); Accessible Visual Programming Toolkits - to promote engagement and collaborative behaviours (H2020 No One Left Behind); Serious Games - for the development of physical and cognitive skills (Real Life, RISE); and Co-design and positive mental wellbeing (EPSRC An Internet of Soft Things).

  • Dr. Mufti Mahmud, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Short Bio: Dr Mufti Mahmud serves as an Associate Professor of Cognitive Computing at the Computer Science Department of Nottingham Trent University (NTU), UK. He received PhD degree from the University of Padova, Italy in 2011. A recipient of the VC outstanding research award 2021 at NTU and Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, Dr Mahmud has over 15 years of academic experience and 180+ peer-reviewed publications. His grant portfolio consists of £3.3 million for intelligent computational tool development for applications related to Neuroscience and neural disorder. His expertise includes computational intelligence, applied data analysis, and big data technologies, focusing on healthcare applications.

  • Dr. M Shamim Kaiser, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
  • Short Bio: Dr M Shamim Kaiser is a Professor at the Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. He received his PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, in 2010. He worked as a Postdoc at the Bigdata and Cyber Security lab of Anglia Ruskin University, the UK during 2017-2018. He also worked at the Adachi Lab of Tohoku University, Japan in 2008. His current research interests include Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Wireless Network & Signal processing, Cognitive Radio networks, Big IoT data, Healthcare, Neuroinformatics, and Cyber Security. He has authored 160+ papers in different peer-reviewed journals and conferences.

  • Mr. Karel Van Isacker, PhoenixKM BVBA, Belgium
  • Short Bio: Mr Karel Van Isacker has master’s degrees in Applied Economic Sciences and Business Administration. He is an inclusion expert from PhoenixKM (Belgium) with 17 years of experience in the field of inclusive education practices, assistive technology implementations, etc. He is project manager for public and private funded projects and is an external inclusion expert to universities in Bulgaria, Colombia, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Greece. He has 25 years of experience in European projects and has been working in Belgium, Greece and Bulgaria as an R&D and project coordinator/manager.

Panel II Panellists

  • Prof. David Brown, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Dr. Nadja Heym, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Mr. Karel Van Isacker, PhoenixKM BVBA, Belgium
  • Prof. M Shamim Kaiser, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
  • Dr. Lauran Doak, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Mr. David Stewart, Nottingham Schools Trust, UK
  • Dr. Alex Sumich, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Prof. Clare Wood, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant improvements during the last decade. It has opened up doors of excellent opportunities leading to unprecedented discoveries in basic, applied and translational research. AI applied to brain research, in decoding the neural code to improve preventative treatment and predictive diagnostic models, has been directing the development of the next generation of effective assistive neurotechnologies. It also raises many questions and challenges related to the ethical use of these newly developed methodologies. Several initiatives and movements have been actioned to make AI more transparent through explainability and promoting open-source methodological development to address these ethical questions and challenges. Focusing on them, a panel consisting of experts from diverse disciplines, including sociology, law, computational intelligence, and neuroscience, will discuss different opportunities and challenges in developing open, explainable and ethical methodologies for brain science. The lively discussion will share cross-disciplinary information for in-depth analysis of the topic and possibly put forward an outline for possible future research actions.

Indicative panel topics:

  • Major ethical issues related to the different phases of neuroscience experiments.
  • Challenges foreseen in the openness and explainability of AI in brain research.
  • Augmentation of brain function through implantable technologies and AI.
  • Necessary actions towards ethical AI and neuroscience research.

Panel III Organizers

  • Dr. Mufti Mahmud, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Short Bio: Dr Mufti Mahmud serves as an Associate Professor of Cognitive Computing at the Computer Science Department of Nottingham Trent University (NTU), UK. He received PhD degree from the University of Padova, Italy in 2011. A recipient of the VC outstanding research award 2021 at NTU and Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, Dr Mahmud has over 15 years of academic experience and 180+ peer-reviewed publications. His grant portfolio consists of £3.3 million for intelligent computational tool development for applications related to Neuroscience and neural disorder. His expertise includes computational intelligence, applied data analysis, and big data technologies, focusing on healthcare applications.

  • Dr. Tanu Wadhera, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
  • Short Bio: Dr Tanu Wadhera received the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Govt GNE College, Punjab, India, in 2013 and the Master of Technology (MTech.) degree in Signal Processing from the Punjabi University Punjab, India in 2015. She completed her PhD from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Jalandhar, India, in July 2021. She also served as a Research Associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, from Nov 2020 to July 2021. Now she is serving as an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Una, Una, Himanchal Pradesh, India.

  • Prof. Stefano Vassanelli, University of Padova, Italy
  • Short Bio: Prof Stefano Vassanelli graduated cum Laude in Medicine at the University of Padova, and his doctoral thesis was awarded the “Casati” price from the “Accademia Nationale dei Lincei”. After completing a PhD in molecular biology and pathology, he undertook postdoctoral research first at the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Dpt. of Biochemistry (Portland. Oregon, USA), and then at the Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Dpt. Membrane and Neurophysics (Martinsried, Germany) working on brain-chip interfaces for high-resolution recording of neuronal networks. Since 2001 he has been leading the Neurochip laboratory at the University of Padova with a primary focus on developing high-density neural interfaces and their use to investigate information-processing mechanisms in brain microcircuits.

Panel III Panellists

  • TBC

The conference will be held in Padova, beautiful historical city located in North-eastern Italy (30 km from Venice).

Department of Biomedical Sciences - Via Marzolo, n.3 - 35131, Padova, Italy

Interdepartmental Complex A. Vallisneri - Via Ugo Bassi, 58b - 35121 Padova, Italy