Submit a New Full Paper (TYPE I Submission)

Note for full paper submissions:
  1. Full papers should be limited to (10 to 12 pages) for the regular papers and (6 to 9 pages) for the short papers. Authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer LNCS/LNAI manuscript submission guidelines ( available here ) for the initial submissions. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF and DOC/RTF format in the Springer LNCS/LNAI style.

    Style files can be download here:
    Office 2007 Word:
    Word 2003: CS Proceedings_Author Tools_Word 2003 (last update: April 19, 2011) (zip, 229 kB)

  2. Although we accept submissions in the form of PDF, PS, and DOC/RTF files, you are strongly encouraged to generate a PDF version for your paper before submitting it. It is highly recommended to use LaTeX to prepare your PDF submission.

Workshops / Special Sessions

As an important part of the conference, the workshop/special session program will focus on new research challenges and initiatives. The workshops may have special invited sessions organized by prominent researchers. Accepted abstract submissions will be included in the conference program and will be published as a single, collective proceedings volume.

There are 2 types of paper submissions that are possible:

  • Type 1: Full Paper Submissions. Full papers should be limited to (10 to 12 pages) for the regular papers and (6 to 9 pages) for the short papers in LNCS format. All full-length papers accepted will be published by Springer as a volume of the series of LNCS/LNAI.
  • Type 2: Abstract Submissions. Abstracts have a word limit of 500 words. Experimental research is particularly welcome.

Submit a New Abstract (TYPE II Submission)

Note for abstract only submissions:

Please note that only the accepted FULL papers will be included in the conference proceedings. If you submit an abstract only, and your abstract pass the quick review, you will give an oral or poster presentation during the conference. However, your abstract will NOT be included in the conference proceedings to be published by Springer, but it will be included in the working notes as an informal one to be printed in a local publisher.

Submission of Workshop/Special Session Papers and Abstracts: Click Here