Web Intelligence Conferences

Up-coming Conference
The 24th IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2025), November 15-18, 2025, London, United Kingdom.
The WI-IAT Conferences
The International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT) is a conference series co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC).
Tracks and Topics
Main Theme: Web Intelligence = AI in the Connected World
Track 1: Web of People
- Cognitive Modeling and Computing
- Conversational Search and Dialog Systems
- Crowdsourcing and Social Computing
- Human Centric Computing and Services
- Human Creativity and Decision-making Support
- Human-level Collective Intelligence
- Human-machine Co-intelligence in the Connected World
- Information Diffusion Modeling and Analysis
- Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
- Recommendation Systems
- Situation and Personality Awareness
- Social Media and Social Networks
- User and Behavioural Modelling
- Wisdom Services
Track 2: Web of Data
- Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC)
- Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning
- Big Data and Human Brain Complex Systems
- Cognitive Models and Computational Models
- Data Driven Services and Applications
- Data Integration and Data Provenance
- Data-Knowledge-Wisdom Hierarchy
- Data Science and Machine Learning
- Few-shot Learning and Transfer Learning
- Graph Isomorphism and Graph Theory
- Information Search and Retrieval
- Knowledge Graph and Semantic Networks
- Linked Data Management and Analytics
- Multimodal Data Fusion
- Large Language Models (LLMs) and Applications
- Pre-trained Language Models and Applications
- Representation Learning
Track 3: Web of Things
- Distributed Systems and Devices
- Dynamics of Networks
- Industrial Multi-domain Web
- Intelligent Ubiquitous Web of Things
- IoT Data Analytics
- Location and Time Awareness
- Open Autonomous Systems
- Sensor Networks
- Streaming Data Analysis
- Web Infrastructures and Devices Mobile Web
- Wisdom Web of Things
Track 4: Web of Trust
- Blockchain Analytics and Technologies
- De-Platforming and No-platforming
- Decentralization of Internet
- Fake Content and Fraud Detection
- Hidden Web Analytics
- Monetization Services and Applications
- Trust Models for Agents
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Web Cryptography
- Web Safety and Openness
- Web-scale Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust
Track 5: Web of Agents
- AI Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Autonomy Remembrance Agents
- Autonomy-oriented Computing
- Behaviour Modelling and Individual-based Modelling
- Chatbot and Intelligent Agent
- Computational Social Science
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Distributed Problem-Solving and Reasoning
- Edge Computing and Cloud Computing
- Local-global Behavioural Interactions
- Mechanism Design
- Network Autonomy Remembrance Agents
- Self-adaptive and Self-organizing Evolutionary Systems
- Social-cyber-physical Systems
- Symbols-Meaning-Value Space
SPECIAL TRACK: Web in Industry, Society, Education, Health and Smart Living, and the Web of Everything
- AIGC in Industry, Finance, Culture, Tourism, Education and Healthcare
- Data Brain, City Brain and Global Brain
- Data-driven Service Industry
- Data-driven Innovative Service-oriented Society
- Digital Ecosystems and Digital Epidemiology
- Digital Transformation and Digital Twin
- Generative AI and the Web of Everything
- Human-machine Symbiosis in a Connected World
- Web3, Metaverse and Smart Living
- Wellbeing and Healthcare in the 5G Era
- Digital Divide, Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency
- Generative AI - LLM and AIGC
- Explainability and Interpretability
- Responsible AI
- Metric and Evaluation
- Applications and Use Cases
- mpact on Society
- Robustness and Security
Previous WI-IAT conferences
Web Intelligence and Brain Informatics related workshops
The 2010 International Workshop on Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval and Reasoning (Web-KR3 2010). Toronto, Canada.
The 2006 International Workshop on Web Intelligence meets Brain Informatics (WImBI 2006). Beijing, China.
The 2006 International Workshop on Web Intelligence meets Brain Informatics (WImBI 2006). Beijing, China.