Books Related to WI/IAT and Brain Informatics
The WI/IAT related books have been published or will be published by Springer, World Scientific, CRC Press, and IOS Press.

Functional Brain Mapping: Methods and Aims ,
Springer, 2020

Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence -1
Springer, 2010

Foundations of Intelligent Systems
Springer, 2003

Springer, 2002

Intelligent Exploration of the Web
Springer-Verlag, 2002

Web Intelligence: Research and Development
Springer-Verlag, 2001.

Intelligent Agent Technology: Research and Development
World Scientific (2001).

Agent Engineering
in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence Series, Vol.43, World Scientific (2001).

Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Explorations in Learning, Self-Organization and Adaptive Computation,
World Scientific (2001).

Multi-agent Robotic Systems
CRC Press (2001).

Intelligent Agent Technology: Systems, Methodologies, and Tools
World Scientific Publishing, 1999

New Directions in Rough Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1711, Springer-Verlag (1999).

Methodologies for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1574,Springer-Verlag (1999).